Key workstreams


Partnering to fight against crime and corruption

The groundbreaking partnership between the South African government and organised business enables engagement with businesses, civil society, academia and NGOs to align efforts against crime. BACSA serves as the primary point of contact on behalf of business in the Joint Initiative on Crime and Corruption (JICC), a presidency-led structure that coordinates and monitors the delivery of collaborative initiatives. The partnership is divided in workstreams WS1 to WS5

WS1: Criminal Justice System Capacity Building

Enhancing the state’s ability to detect, investigate and successfully prosecute serious organised crime, financial crime and corruption cases.

Focus areas include:

  • Digital forensics training
  • Financial crime investigation skills
  • Asset recovery techniques

WS2: Criminal Justice Innovation & Modernisation

Improving CJS efficiency through technology and process improvements.

Focus areas include:

  • Integrated case management systems
  • Policy and legislation alignment
  • Performance measurement frameworks

WS3: Strengthening Law Enforcement

Modernising critical law enforcement infrastructure and operations.

Focus areas include:

  • Gauteng 10111 Call Centre modernisation
  • Improving call-taking and dispatching functions
  • Enhancing emergency response capabilities

WS4: Critical Infrastructure Security

Protecting vital national infrastructure from crime and vandalism.

Focus areas include:

  • Logistics rail and road transport networks
  • Energy infrastructure
  • Water infrastructure (planned)

WS5: Behaviour Change & Mobilising Civil Society

Promoting ethical behaviour and mobilising society against crime and corruption.

Focus areas include:

  • Ethics accreditation process for businesses
  • Public awareness campaigns
  • Cross-sector collaboration on anti-corruption efforts
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