

A joint partnership against crime

BACSA partners with businesses and government to help create a safer South Africa, serving as a crucial bridge between the private sector and law enforcement agencies.

We mobilise resources, expertise and innovation from the business world to support and enhance the capabilities of our criminal justice system.


Our impact

BACSA partners with businesses and government to help create a safer South Africa.

Through our initiatives and partnerships, BACSA has made significant strides in the following key arenas:

Business resilience

Empowering businesses to strengthen their defences against extortion

Priority crimes

Combating serious organised crime, corruption and financial crime

Law enforcement

Expanding effectiveness through business involvement in anti-crime initiatives

National impact

Scaling existing successful anti-crime strategies across sectors nationally


Improving criminal justice system efficiency in tackling crime

Infrastructure protection

Securing critical infrastructure against theft, vandalism and sabotage

Society-wide support

Mobilising civil society involvement in anti-crime efforts

The Eyes and Ears initiative

This is a joint crime-fighting initiative between SAPS, BACSA, the private security industry, approved non-private security industry role-players, and other law enforcement agencies to enhance situational awareness.

Combating extortion

BACSA supports nationwide efforts to combat extortion, publishing guidelines for businesses and participating in national and provincial committees addressing this issue. Refer to the guidelines for more information.

Addressing tourism safety

This is a collaborative effort led by BACSA to enhance the safety and security of tourists visiting South Africa, leveraging technology and partnerships to provide rapid response and support.

Preventing infrastructure crime

This initiative addresses the critical issue of crimes against infrastructure, including cable theft, vandalism and illegal connections.

Standing against gender-based violence

BACSA recognises gender-based violence as a critical issue affecting South African society. We focus on collaboration, education, and support to create lasting change.

Tackling vehicle crime

BACSA focuses on reducing vehicle theft and hijacking through innovative approaches and partnerships.

Looking forward

Let’s build a safer, more prosperous South Africa

Together, we can shape a future where businesses thrive and communities flourish.

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